Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy is provided for couples that want to grow or solve ongoing issues that put stress on a couple along with other members of the family.

Family Therapy

Family Therapy focuses on meeting the needs of a family unit by looking at the individual relationships within the family.

Individual Therapy

Individual Counseling is a place where your fears , doubts, anger, sadness, hopes and disappointments can be explored confidentially and without shame.

Early Intervention

Therapy for young children 0-3 years of age includes floor time, language stimulation techniques and parent education and training. Therapy is provided in a natural environment during play.

Virtual Therapy

Virtual online Teletherapy is provided on a secure online platform. To inquire more about this and see the qualifications please contact our office.

Social Skills Groups

UCLA PEERS Social Skills groups meet one time a week to provide support for children, teens and their families to discuss an array of topics designed by UCLA PEERS.